NeverChanger remix
So it begins with A Shoreline Dream: a quality shoegaze collective who collaborate with the master of texture and have it remixed with chillout flair. Simple enough to follow? Good. Well, this song is dynamic as all things and will pillage the depths of your mind with its swirling melodies.
A Shoreline Dream & Ulrich Schnauss – NeverChanger (Jap Jap Remix)
“NeverChanger” is almost sold out! The first batch of the EP is selling like wildfire. The disc contains the original co-produced track with Ulrich Schnauss as well as a dubgaze mix by Cacheflowe and an absolutely blissful remix by Jap Jap; one of the best ambient electronica songs. A short run of discs were made specifically for toneVENDOR. Order your copy now!
Check out this fan video with images of London at sunset.